We have done it!

It’s been a real privilege to be walking with the mighty men, over the last four days, and then two amazing team members from one of our partners in the city.
I’m not gonna say it any other way than it was. I went through every emotion there was for me to go through! And I had to dig deep, and then some.
The laughter we went through, the amazing conversation and the personal tears I had on a few occasions have really had an impact on me that I can only say will stay with me forever. I admire these men and lady who have walked with me, they not only impressed me as I personally saw them push through so much themselves, but they also supported each other with so much kindness and gentleness, and encouragement too.
No food was not shared, water and hot drinks split equally. Each step of the way I saw real concern for each other’s well-being and also real love in the relationships that have already formed and staring to form.
Personally each person cared for me and encouraged me in the lowest points, and then some, and more again! I can only say I was humbled that I got to spend these days with each of my fellow travellers, and got to know them more.

Laughing was the norm, encouragement was the foundation, love was the key and understanding the way.
#96hourchallenge will and has made an impact on me that I know I’ll cherish forever. Privileged, proud and humbled. I’m so excited for their futures, for I saw the most amazing characters in the most amazing people.

The generosity in all the people who supported us on route was mind blowing. Acts of kindness that gave us hope each step of the way, and fulfilling nourishment at the most vital times.

The support by those unknown aways makes my heart swell with pride and I see those as hero’s that go that extra mile.

Please keep donating as best you can –

Thankful and blessed.
Simon Edwards (CEO – Walk Ministries)
Just some of the speacial moments from this years #96hourchallenge